Monday, March 28, 2011

Aunty Bla

As much as I sometimes complain about always having to babysit, I can't help but love the little kiddos. Sure I get dumped on a lot for being the "go-to" babysitter, but I can't help but love it! And although I really only have 2 nieces and a nephew, I love the fact that it feels as if I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews. 

Growing up, it's been as if I've had 3 sisters and not just one. Brody might be the only one to complain about getting more than he bargained for..sorry Brod!, but in the end, I  know we all love just how close we are. Plus, it's always fun to see who people think belongs to who when we all look so much alike. Not many people can claim their cousins as their siblings but I wouldn't trade the special relationship we all have any day.   

Although our kids don't get the experience of looking so much alike, they do, however, get the opportunity to develop that special, close relationship we all have.  At least that's what I've noticed with Bobbie and Annie's kids and assume will continue with Kelsey's, Brody's, and my own children some day. 

With that being said..sure the kids are a handful, but they sure are adorably fun! Here are the latest pictures of our fun play day last week plus a few other random can't help but love them :)
Tub Time! (one of the cutest pictures!)

Silly faces!

Cousinly love :)

Yes, I got her that shirt :)

What a stud!

Brooke & her "chipmunk" smile...
She definitely takes after me as a thumb sucker :)

Shopping with my aunty!


  1. Oh cute! They are some of the cutest kiddos out there and so LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!!! I can only hope that I can add a couple to the mix someday :)

  2. Just think what a good mom it will make you some day! They do love their aunty Bla!
