Friday, February 25, 2011

Looking Back

Warning: This is going to be a long post!

Lately I've done a lot of thinking and my mind keeps wandering back to old memories. Whether they be happy, sad, exciting, or awful times..they've all been replaying in my mind. 

The fact that it's been almost a complete 2 years since I graduated from high school is starting to make me feel old! Now now, I know I'm really not getting that old, but not being able to say, "Oh I just graduated," sure seems bitter sweet to me right now. 

I'm no longer the naive, high school graduate who's so happy to be done with high school and anxious to start college. I'm now the average, poor and working, college student striving to get by day by day.

I miss the days of thinking my life was hard when I had a 2-3 page paper due the next day along with having to cheer at a basketball game that night. Boy life was rough wasn't it? 

Now it's I have a 5-7 page paper due, two 20 page readings that I must understand and know what I just read, a journal entry, and maybe some online assignment due the next day on top of having to fit work and the school day into my schedule. Can't I go back to the easy days?

I'm not saying I want to reverse time and change my high school years or go back in time and relive them all again. No, that part of my life was great and I cherish all those times, but I've moved on, grown up a bit, and I do love my life now! There's just days I wish I had the easy load I did back then. When being busy meant nothing compared to what it does now. So bare with me as I relive some of those memories for just a moment :)

When dances were the biggest of our worries...

Being able to sit and enjoy a good soccer game...

When sitting on the couch, taking pictures was the highlight of our night :)

We had us some good times!

"OOHH" I've always thought this picture was hilarious! He still claims he was "just coughing"


These guys became my best friends

When there was time to actually goof off and take pictures in need to pay attention right?

Aww the wonders of cheer camp :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Losing Hope...

I'm telling you now, I don't want to be one to complain and nag but this whole wisdom teeth experience doesn't give me a whole lot of room not to. I can't even begin to describe the painful experience I've been through with the removal of my wisdom teeth. It all started almost a whole 2 months ago. Yes, that's correct, 2 WHOLE MONTHS AGO! It was January 3rd the day I was lucky enough to have all 4 wisdom teeth taken out. Knowing it had to be done sometime, I figured now was as best time as ever.

I chose to stay awake for the procedure so I received laughing gas and numbing shots. We'll call this round 1. Holy tolido! I was huge. Figuring I already have chubby cheeks, I knew I would swell, but this big, really??

So round 1 came and went and bam, just like that came my dry socket and infection. Here comes round 2. Given the knowledge that this sometimes happens, I figured it was just normal and honestly wasn't all that bad. Sure it was painful, but hey with some antibiotics and some good painkillers, I could handle it. Well sure round 2 I could handle, but just as the right side healed up here came along round #3.

This was the first day I went out...embarrassing I know!

Yes, that's correct, another infection in my left side. This time, the infection wasn't going away with just some antibiotics. So they pulled out the numbing shots and laughing gas for the second time and under I went to try and clean out the infection. Finally! I had resorted to only taking Ibprophen and no painkillers and it looked like I was finally done with the wisdom teeth disaster. Only one problem, all of a sudden one night it started hurting again.

Next thing I know, I wake up the next morning with a swollen left cheek. Seriously! Me and my oral surgeon have become great friends by now so I give the good ol' Doc a call (at home since it was a Saturday) and he agrees to meet me at his office. Sure enough, here rolls in round #4. Yes, round #4 comes with another infection. This time, the Doc. tells me he thought he knew about infections but that I'm just kicking his butt. oral surgeon doesn't know what to do with me!
Miserable to the day...
Another round of numbing shots, drainage, and trying to clean it up went about. I am now just finishing up trying a new antibiotic and go back in tomorrow to see what's up. Sad thing is, I'm no better than the last time I went in. I'm still suffering with a huge, swollen left cheek and the worst pain I think I've had so far. This rounds got me beat and I'm barely even functioning from day to day. Tears are a common friend of mine this week and I'm just getting to the point where I don't know what else to do. Please wisdom teeth...give me some hope that you'll heal up already!
(ps-I know I have no make-up on and look dreadful in all of these embarrassing pictures :) )


That's right, I finally gave in and started a blog. I've had a few people try and convince me to convert over to the "blogging world" but I always had said no and claimed that when I got married I would start one. I didn't want to start one now and then get married and have to have two, but then again, I'm not getting married anytime soon and so I figured why not?

I keep having this thought that I need to start a journal again and one day while I was doing my usual blog-stalking, it hit me, I should start my own blog. It's basically an online journal that's a little more fun to do and for me, a lot easier. I don't know about you, but typing in a post and maybe adding a few pictures seems more simple to me then having to sit down with a pen and paper. Of course I probably end up making the blogging part more time consuming than I should considering I get caught up in just checking my email real quick and that leads into glancing at my Facebook real fast, which we all know the is one of the biggest distractions!

But hey, I think this will be good for me. So bear with me as I'm still trying to figure this whole blog thing out and know now I'm definitely not some journalist or writer by any means, but this is me, and her I am, welcoming myself to the blogging world!